No matter how stuck you feel, Now is your time to thrive
I’m fucking ready!People say that you lose yourself in motherhood, but you never believed you’d be the one.
You deeply believe you’re meant to thrive in your wellbeing + life, but there’s all this shit holding you back.
You can literally SEE your unconscious “self sabotaging” patterns from overgiving + people pleasing, to being over controlling + self critical, to disassociating + numbing + beyond
struggling in your relationships, parenting, your health + your inability to live fully embodied in your truth and causing you to feel stuck in your health, wellbeing and life
And you’re determined to not pass whatever patterns these are down to your precious kids
But you can’t seem to break them
You feel like you set every intention to do so, but life – or kids – are always throwing you a curveball
And the next thing you know, its 1, 2, FIVE years later
This is not what you thought it was going to be like
Instead of feeling lit up, you feel BEAT up, overwhelmed + fed up.
You feel like you’ve done it all from therapy to nutrition coaches to making all the changes from adding probiotics + ashwaganda and beyond,
but you’re still feeling perpetually anxious, sleeping like shit and flipping out on your husband and kids when they so much as breathe the wrong way
feeling thread bare from busting your ass but getting no closer to where you want to be
you say you’re fine, but you’re actually one adele song away from an emotional breakdown
I hear you
You want to feel grounded and at ease as you move through your days and especially as you parent.
You want to feel so deeply connected to your most authentic self that your friends start asking you what you’re doing different because you’re literally GLOWING
You’re ready to embody the confidence, vibrant energy, inner peace and balanced mind of the empress that you know lives within you
You want your mental, physical and emotional health to be top notch so you can feel your best and give your best to your kids
You want ease filled, healthy communication + improved relationships, especially with your partner and loved ones.
You want to feel good in your body and be able to enjoy this magical life
You want your life to be less stressful and more nourishing, fulfilling and in flow.

Let’s get real for a second
After giving to everyone else all day every, you’re ready for it to be YOUR time to thrive and shine
You’re ready to take back control of your life, body, mind and spirit
and reclaim your most lit up SELF.
You are ready to GLOW + FLOW
Show me the way!Here’s the truth:
you can do yoga + meditation all day long, but at the end of the day
if you’re not aligned within, free of deep rooted stress, disconnected from your true self, experiencing mental, emotional or energetic imbalances within,
yoga + meditation isn’t gonna cut the mustard.
Because the key to wellness is INNER alignment.
When you do the inner work to heal the wounds disconnecting you from your true self and also impairing the ecosystem of your body,
THAT is what creates inner harmony in our bodies, which allows for our entire system to functional optimally with ease + flow,
with minimal effort, maximum vibrance + optimal health.

By doing this, not only will you start to notice that the weight is finally dropping off, you have more energy, you’re sleeping soundly, you heal your gut, you naturally release the stress from your body…
But you’ll also finally start to speak your truth, feel empowered, and live a life aligned with your desires.
Living an empowered, intentional life is 100% possible for you,
and it starts with cultivating harmony within yourself.
I’m a Hell Yes!
Hi, I’m Misha and I was put here to lovingly guide you to your most lit up, whole and authentic self.
The grounded and aligned version of yourself that lives from her highest self and lives life on a next level vibration
Not the version operating from old patterns that are impeding your health and life.
I got into this work because I lived it first
10 years ago, I found myself at full on rock bottom – I’m talking a $5 Million lawsuit, a closed down business, unable to walk, my brain shut down, chronic anxiety and 65 – yes 65- other health issues from metabolic issues to gut issues + beyond, with a newborn.
Not one part of my body or life was working
From people pleasing to perfectionism and beyond, I was perpetually struggling with some sort of inner battle that was draining my energy and preventing my ability to enjoy my life fully
I was so disconnected from my true self and if I’m honest, at constant war with myself
I was unfulfilled in my marriage
And I feel deeply stuck in my career alignment and growth
It felt like no matter how hard I tried, I was stuck in the same dead end loops in my health and life
I was deeply frustrated and fed up
After years of struggling to figure out why I was stuck in every aspect of my mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health
And why I wasn’t able to thrive in my career, marriage, relationships or my life.
I learned that it was all due to my disconnection from my true, authentic self.
Which is trauma. Which we all have to various degrees.
And it’s that unchecked trauma that impacts the eco system of our bodies and the quality and success of our lives.
The moment I went beyond trying to heal my life from surface level approaches and went straight to healing the disconnected parts of myself
I experienced a literal ripple effect that led to a radical transformation in all aspects of my health and life
I am now a mother of 3 kiddos + a dog, happily married to my dream husband, running a deeply fulfilling business in alignment to my soul’s calling, thriving in all aspects of my health and my life and truly living am living my dream life.
And I now have mastered a process that helps women get there with so much more ease and flow
I need this!Kim never imagined she could get through so many obstacles or feel this good in her body and life. And she did.
Gabby transformed her health and life working with me, and the best part was that it felt like getting OFF the treadmill.
She feels happier and calmer than she ever has.
This program is a 6 month experience that can change everything if you let it.
I break down exactly how to transform your wellbeing and life from the inside out. Through inner alignment.
I will lovingly hold your hand and guide you every step of the way through.
This holistic program will show you how to shift everything in your health and your life so that it all flows.
From having each aspect of your day to day support and nourish you and work for your unique body and life
To working through the deeper blocks that get in your way from being able to show up for yourself in the way you desire
To working though the deep rooted stuff that is impacting your mental health + the quality of your life
To the shifting your understanding and belief in yourself
To empowering you with the inner tools to meet yourself in any place and give yourself the loving care you need to bring your body back into balance
All the while, taking you on a journey that will lay the foundation for you to change the way you’re living, feeling and being forever
So that you can live a life that feels like a fairy tale too and be that queen in the fairytale that you are
Let’s Fucking Do This!DO I HAVE A PROCESS?
Yes, but it’s more of a journey.
We start by assessing all aspects of you, your system(body) and your life and assess what’s out of alignment from how your true self and unique body is created to thrive.
We first attend to the low hanging fruit – the elements of your health and life that we can address immediately to help you start to bring your mind and body back into a more balanced and healthy state.

This lays the foundation for deeper work while also getting you some quick wins and feeling good on the day to day. This is where you get everything from your sleep hygiene to your nourishment and movement practices and self care dialed in.
Heal : DEPROGRAM YOUR SYSTEM to work in harmony with your body’s rhythms, allowing your body to function optimally.
We then look at the patterns and behaviors that are taking your system and life out of flow and go into healing and releasing these deep rooted patterns.
This is a multi faceted and on going process and you’re both doing the healing and also learning inner tools to support you throughout your healing journey of life.
(Re)connect : CREATE BODY INTELLIGENCE AND MIND BODY ATTUNEMENT giving you deep, intuitive awareness to your self and body
Through this process, you learn about your true self and body in a whole new way – that we were never taught – and essentially gives you the instruction manual for how your true self and body is created to thrive. The keys to the kingdom, if you will.
This allows you to go beyond understanding yourself, but brings you home to your true self and reconnects you to your body. This part is crucial for true connection, integration and deep transformational healing.
Empower : EMPOWER FROM WITHIN Throughout the journey, you’re being empowered with a variety of inner tools and guided to ways of being that you’ll draw upon to deepen your healing and expansion into your best self. And to bring you back into alignment when life throws you off.
This takes you from disempowered, frustrated and overwhelmed to empowered and embodied in your highest self.
Align : HARMONIZE YOUR SYSTEM to be in alignment in mind, body + soul, giving you rejuvenated energy, inner peace, optimal wellbeing, allowing you to step into the most vibrant version of you on the daily.
Glow & Flow : Now that your day to day health habits and practices are dialed in, you’ve built deep self and body awareness, you’ve released and are working on healing your trauma and empowered yourself with the inner tools to support yourself,
we now get to integrate this work in a manner that allows you to
Are you ready to steward the ship of your body and live from an empowered and ease filled state, allowing you to Glow and Flow?
You just want to feel at ease in you body and live a peaceful life?
Let’s Fucking Do This!Will I feel be fully healed and have all my problems solved in 6 months?
Healing is an ongoing journey
But you can’t embark on that journey without the awareness of your TRUE self and body’s needs and without the tools to support your healing journey.
Metaphorically, we’ve all been playing this game without the instruction manual, making the process a crap shoot and the journey frustrating as hell.
In this program, you’re FINALLY given access to the real “instruction manual” of yourself and to the specific tools to heal your system as well as the strategy and support to find flow in your life.
By coming home to yourself and empowering yourself with the self mastery and inner tools required to heal and thrive, you are able to rapidly accelerate your healing journey, while also continue that process with confidence as you continue throughout this process throughout your life.
By the end of this program you can expect to feel rock solidly connected to your truth and equipped with all that you need to bring yourself into your most aligned and lit up self both during the 6 months of the container and as you continue forward on your healing journey.
You leave this program having set your lifestyle up so it flows with who you are and what you uniquely need, reclaimed your health from a foundational level that cannot be reclaimed from kale and crunches, and empowered you with the tools to continue to live life on your terms without guilt.

Can you just imagine…

- Waking up on the daily with a centered mind, balanced energy and an excitement for the stunning day ahead filled with magic?
- Stepping into your clothes feeling confident and radiant in your skin and feel so dang proud of the woman you see in the reflection?
- Embodying and modeling the passionate, empowered, present and fiercely loving mother for your children that you know you are?
- Having an unwavering connection to your worth, giving you unapologetic freedom to care for yourself leaving you fulfilled on the daily, without guilt?
- Laying your head on the pillow each night for a restful night’s sleep, excited for the magic the next day brings
- Moving through your day energized and in flow, feeling aligned
- No more feeling scattered with blurry boundaries and being pulled in a million directions, feeling like you’re keeping your head above water.
- Feeling deep gratitude as you live out your magical life and savoring every special moment you have with your loved ones
- Unapologetically saying no to that which doesn’t serve your highest good and not thinking about it for one second afterwards and ENJOYING your precious energy and life
- Having the tools to comfort, soothe and bring yourself back to center when triggered or stressed instead of letting it derail you from life
- Being able to stay grounded and regulated under immense pressure
- Have a deep knowing as to who you are and feeling fully in love with that woman
It does get to be this good.
No matter how hard things have been
No matter how under resourced you are
No matter how disconnected you feel.
No matter how broken it feels.
I was there
And there is a better way.
Let’s Do This!But seriously, if not now, when?!
Life is only getting busier. How many more years are you going to keep putting your health and vitality in the backseat.
You are a mother, not a martyr. Taking care of yourself is taking care of everyone else that you love.
Set yourself free from the patterns that are robbing you from your joy and embody rock solid self trust and confidence, mental peace, vibrant physical health, deeper life fulfillment, improved relationships, more ease and flow in body and life
You’re ready to get off the hamster wheel of pattern loops, stop endlessly searching for answers + drop the story that your stuff is just too complex and deep to fix
Because, it’s just not true
No matter how broken and stuck you feel, feeling good in your body and life is possible for you too.

By the end of this program, you will:
- Have learned how to manage your stress and heal the toxic patterns preventing you from feeling mentally, emotionally and physically healthy
- Be equipped with mind and body based emotional regulation and stress reduction tools to support you as you navigate life
- Begun to rewire your physiology to be more in alignment with the truth of who you are, bringing your body into balance and harmony
- Learned how to heal your inner wounds helping you to feel more whole and at peace within
- Learned how to prioritize yourself and unapologetically give yourself the right form of self care to help you be the fulfilled and rejuvenated mama and woman you desire to be
- Built unshakable self love and trust through building deep awareness of who you were inherently created to be and learning to love and embody her
- Know the exact tools to transform your mental and energetic state to allow you to thrive in your wellbeing and life
- Have learned how to integrate self care and mindfulness practices into your lifestyle without guilt, allowing you to feel fulfilled and present in your life.
- Have learned how to easefully nourish your unique bodies needs, based on inner guidance, allowing you to thrive in optimal health
- Have transformed your sleep hygiene, no longer having night wakes and poor sleep, allowing you to wake up recharged for yourself and your family and effectively supporting your metabolic health
- Learned how to effectively tune into your body for self navigation, freeing you from endless googling and running to endless practitioners for insight
- Build a rock solid connection with your Self and the process, allowing you to flow through life feeling “settled” and with inner peace
- Have created sacred space, movement routines, nourishing rituals and routines that support your highest good
- Set up your flow based lifestyle that allows you to thrive in life with inner trust and self navigation
But will it work for me?
listen I was the hottest mess of all messes.
On top of a lifetime of unresolved trauma, I wasn’t even the slightest aware of, I had sledge hammers after sledgehammer compounding it all, leaving me BROKEN.
I mean, literally. Aside from actually being financially broke from the loss of my business, my soul was broken and so was every part of my health, my marriage and my relationship with myself.
Nothing in my body and life was working.
I kid you not, I actually began to believe that the only way this made sense was that I must have done some really terrible things in a past life that I was having to repay in this life. So much so that I went into exploring my akashic records desperately seeking to understand WTF I did to understand what I was here to redeem myself for.
I get it. I’ve been as broken as they come.
And not only has this work transformed my health and life to be the person that I truly believed only existed in my dreams and live a life I swore was only for fairytales
But the same is true for my clients
I have helped
- Corporate lawyer Mom of 3 release 15 pounds without thinking about it is one of the many “magical” results that my clients experience from working with me.
- Crippling perfectionists feel completely at peace while the dishes sit in the sink.
- Competitive over achieving marathoner + entrepreneur releasing the need to do the hundred meter dash
- Workaholic entrepreneur Mama releasing the 24/7 grind + finding herself laying back on a kayak with her son, being in the moment + not for one second think about work
- Burnt out, anxiety ridden ER dr. Mama with 9 month old ridden finding herself dancing with her husband in full on giggles creating tiktoks, painting + leaving her ER dr role to do telehealth, be with her baby + enjoy her life
- High level executive at a multi billion dollar fashion company with 2 children who literally checked herself into the hospital because she thought she was having a heart attack feels at peace within, like she has time and control and like she can handle anything.
- Stressed + sleep deprived Teacher + Mom of 2 uncomfortable in her skin, ridden with digestion, gas + bloating feeling rested, energized + good in her body.
The list is endless
I have watched client after client come to me stressed TF out, ridden with mental, emotional + physical health issues transform their health + their lives from the inside out simply through helping them release stress + unchecked trauma, reconnect with their bodies + come home to themselves.
I have yet to meet one person that it doesn’t work for
the question isn’t will it work for you,
the question is,
are you willing to do the work for you
You can continue to make it hard on yourself by trying all the things, convinced the juice cleanse, 10 day detox, calorie counting or cool sculpt is the answer
popping colonopin or aderol to adjust your energy all day every day
all the while wanting to jump out of your skin + run from your life
Or you can join the Glow & Flow Mastermind to come home in your body + fall in love with your life.
I’m So In!My approach has resulted in my clients…
I dropped a pants size without even thinking about it! It’s life changing!
I finally feel calm. I’ve always lived in a state of anxiety + never knew how to slow down. I can’t believe I feel this way now. It’s amazing!
I feel so much lighter & FREE
I’m learning to own my emotions and not allow them to control me
I wore my new skinny jeans today and felt amazing!
I’m finally losing the baby weight!
I just noticed my alcohol intake is way down! I simply don’t want to drink as much because of my reduced stress.
I feel so much more relaxed + have found better tools than medication to address my anxiety.
My husband is curious about my transformation + snuck in + joined me in my meditation.
I’m feeling gratitude for things that previously went unnoticed in my life
Improved mood, work has been easier, better managing my work load
No longer looking outward for satisfaction
Improved communication and connection with kids
Becoming the morning person i always wanted to be
Have the tools to navigate any situation
Not yelling as much as I used to at all

Does this sound amazing and incredible and you want to do it
here’s what i know.
This program is not for everyone.
This isn’t for someone who wants to lose 10 pounds for that big summer event.
✨ If you’re looking for a magic bullet, a tablespoon of chocolate collagen, skinny tea to help you fit in your jeans and fix your life
✨ If you’re looking to get your ass kicked into a perfect diet and fitness routine
✨ If you wanna just talk about your problems all day and not take any action
✨ If you expect a bottle of ashwaganda to heal your anxiety
✨ If you’re looking to check a few boxes on your healing journey and then dip back to the status quo
✨ If you’re looking to bandaid your issues versus fully and deeply transform
Then this isn’t for you
If you are looking to make long term, sustainable changes
If you’re looking to transform your relationship with your body, yourself and the people you love
If you’re looking to heal the deeper issues so that you are able to thrive on the daily with ease and flow
If you’re ready to embody the truest, freest, most confident version of yourself and enter your 2.0 era
If you want to embody the hot shit version of you that slays life with ease while enjoying every step of the process – the good, the bad and the ugly,
I’m So In!
How does all this work?
Over the course of the 6 months, we will slowly release the beliefs, behaviors and habits that are not congruent to how your body and self are designed to thrive and we will integrate practices, beliefs and behaviors that are, creating wellbeing and a life that flows.
We will continuously be doing internal healing work releasing the trauma and seperation within and bringing you home to your authentic, whole self. And creating an eco system within for your health to thrive
We meet 3 times a month on calls (exact call times in the FAQ below), there is an entire platform of content and a private members community for continuous support and guidance
Calls are recorded
you’ll have access to this content for life.
I’m So In!Want to know exactly what to expect?
The Glow & Flow Experience
Glow & Flow is a 6 month experience for busy + stressed AF women who are ready to transform their health, wellbeing + life through stress reduction, self care, inner healing + alignment + pleasure.
Through my ease filled methodology to self healing + self mastery, we create harmony in the interior realms, resulting in optimal wellbeing, freedom from “stuckness” + a realization of self worth, allowing women to step into their innate power, glow + flow.
An example of what the Glow & Flow journey could look like is below
But the beauty of this experience is that you get to move through the journey in a way that is most suited to what you need.
My methodology is proven and works and you will be guided to getting exactly what you need to heal from the inside out.
Area 1: Dropping in, assessing your body and life as a whole and identifying what’s out of alignment CollapseHere you will begin to take stock of all your inputs from your nutrition to your sleep hygiene to your triggers and past painful experiences to your life fulfillment, relationship satisfaction, relationship with yourself and your self worth, your movement and daily life stressors and beyond.
It’s a deep uncovering and exploration that allows us to create a personalized strategy for healing and implementation that will help you embody your most aligned, healthy and fully expressed self.
*This will include a bonus Human Design reading to help you identify who you genetically and inherently are wired to be, versus who you’ve been conditioned to be, allowing us to create even deeper alignment and self mastery for greater transformation and healing.
Area 2: Laying a solid foundation in your body and life for you to thrive CollapseYou will be guided through a process to set up supportive rituals, routines and practices to bring your body into a grounded and resourced state and create a supportive structure in your lifestyle for you to build on.
This includes cleaning up sleep hygiene, creating, modifying and integrating morning and evening routines and making initial lifestyle tweeks that include nutrition, movement and cycle syncing to support your unique body’s needs to restore balance and structure.
Area 3: Understanding and getting to the root of our triggers and stressors & building body intelligence and mind body attunement CollapseYou will learn how stress and your painful past experiences may be showing up in your mental, emotional and physical health. You will build intimate awareness around why you’re experiencing certain negative mental, emotional and physical issues and friction in your life and start to feel immense clarity and AHA’s on that which you have felt stuck with forever. You’ll begin to understand your body in a new way and also begin to develop more compassion and self love as you navigate your healing.
Area 4: Healing and Rewiring old patterns (trauma & deconditioning) & stress reduction CollapseNow that you have intimate awareness around your deep rooted patterns, you’ll begin to learn how to do the deep healing required to make these internal shifts that will cause a positive ripple effect in your physiology and transform your health and life. You will learn and integrate mind and body based practices to heal burn out and support stress management, thereby improving your health and allowing you to feel more confident and in flow.
In this phase, we will hold a release ritual, a ceremony to release patterns we’re ready to let go of, resentment, shame or anger we’ve been carrying so that we can step more fully into a more liberated and healed version of ourselves.
Area 5: Inner child healing/reparenting + guilt free self care CollapseNow that we have a deeper understanding of our wounds and where we need more love and nurturing, we will explore an array of gorgeous ways to comfort, soothe, regulate and resource ourselves allowing us to feel even more deeply supported, nourished, connected to self, whole and at peace from within.
This phase is extremely empowering and a really beautiful coming home.
Area 6: Creating Inner Alignment and Stepping into our most aligned selves. CollapseNow that we’ve built deep awareness on who we are, built more intimacy and greater understanding of our bodies and needs, we will integrate all parts of ourselves and reclaim the love we have for ALL parts of ourselves, deepening into self love and a stronger sense of self (worth)
We will explore and define our deepest desires and purpose and integrate more of our truest selves into our lifestyle, beginning the path to living a more purpose driven life, as our most aligned and healthy versions of ourselves in mind, body and soul.
What you get:
- 6 Months
- A full wellbeing assessment by me on what our game plan is based on your intake questionnaire
- 3 group coaching calls with me per month with dedicated time for personalized coaching for each individual
- 1 monthly interactive training workshop format to learn, integrate and embody the work more deeply.
- A library of trainings and bonus masterclasses on mental, emotional + physical health + wellbeing to support you on your journey
- Human Design blueprint + Masterclass
- Private facebook group for community, accountability, discussion, on going coaching/questions and support
- An invaluable sisterhood to walk alongside with
- VIP Add-On: 3x 20 minute private coaching calls with me
Glow and Flow Library of Resources
Foundational Training Videos Collapse- Laying the foundation : Setting up anchor habits
- Sleep : Creating healthy sleep habits for quality, restful sleep
- Morning Routines & Mindset
- Building awareness around our stressors
- Stress reduction techniques + practices
- Primary Foods + Understanding where were under + overnourished
- Understanding our bodies cues + building body intelligence
- Food + Meal planning for busy women
- Creating + integrating an aligned movement routine for flow
Energy Management
- Trauma Responses + Inner Child Healing
- Creating Psychological Safety & Developing Healthy Boundaries
- Self-trust Community Workshop
- Inner Child Healing + Internal Family Systems Workshop
- Trauma Informed Self Care
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workshop
- Chronic Effects of Trauma Workshop
- EFT Tapping
- Human Design
- Tapping into Pleasure + Turn On
- Cycle syncing
- Achieving healthy communication + alignment in partnerships
- Reclaiming your Eroticism
- Release Reconnect Rapture Masterclass
- Emotional Release/Swamping Bonus
Here what people are saying. the best way possible. I’m a success story…me!!
I’m grounded, at peace, truly happy. I’m feeling aligned – everything is where it should be in mind, body + soul. I am not worried because I now have the tools to deal with anything should things go awry again.
Misha has changed my life forever.
~Kathy Doiban, SVP of Christian Dior, Mom of 2
“When I first connected with Misha, I could barely hold a conversation. I would burst out into tears regarding anything to do with “me.” I’d checked every box on my Life To-Do list yet I was overwhelmed, stress, irritable….the list goes on and on.
I made my first step towards a new life that had ME at the center, I embarked on this journey with Misha.
Misha’s guidance is tactical and did not leave me feeling like I couldn’t do it.
We took the time to really understand what my triggers are and how to be thoughtful and intentional about them.
I left each session thinking “I can do that” vs “there’s no way I can add this to my plate.”
I felt a change week one, I lived through a complete transformation within three months.
I was creating space for myself, committed to taking care of me.
The next three months we went deep, understanding my traumas. Learning what trauma actually was, not all are major. Some are small and we have many along the way. I wanted to go deeper and we did.
I can’t say I’m a different person but I can say I’m living my life as the real me and enjoying every fucking minute of it.
I have a beautiful relationship with my husband, I am a thoughtful and patient parent (most of the time lol), I have a new job that is aligned with my values. I have ME!!!
Thank you to my dear friend, coach, confidante, kickass woman Misha! I love you and will forever be grateful to you“
Working with Misha allowed me to free myself from the stress, anxiety, and personal emotional baggage I’ve been carrying around for years and start on a journey to becoming the best version of myself – emotionally, mentally and physically.
My relationship with myself, my husband, and my children have all improved as a result.
I’m living in the moment and enjoying what I have rather than longing and reaching outside of myself for fulfillment. I have greater clarity about my career and finally recognizing my accomplishments.
If you’re considering working with her but aren’t quite sure, from personal experience, choosing to hire Misha was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself.
~Gabrielle Shirley, Corporate Lawyer, Mom of 3
“Misha is the biggest blessing that’s come into my life and the brightest star.
Just her even coming into my life has transformed me for the better from where I was 3 months ago. I have more confidence, I’ve gotten to the root of SO much stuff – stuff I didn’t even know what there and have released all the emotional baggage that was weighing me down.
I’ve gotten to know myself and my body in the most beautiful way. I am blessed that she’s changed my life forever.
I’ve had lots of digestion issues and gut issues that are now improving more and more by changes in diet, what I’m eating, but reducing stress as a whole.
I never thought in darkest time of my life that a blessing like her would appear. That feeling of being lost, nobody would ever care of understand, but I was wrong. And I’m forever grateful.”
~Claire Roberts
“I met Misha when a friend invited me to one of her Wellness Workshops.
I found her to be very inspiring and felt she could potentially help me push myself to find greater fulfillment and spend less time focused on anxiety-producing thoughts/relationships.
Through her coaching and insights, I was able to better understand my personal challenges and find ways to improve upon them and feel much better on a day-to-day basis. She works hard and is very dedicated to her clients!”
Her voice was like a massage for my soul.
She did not rush us and took her time- addressing each one of our observations and also pushing us to be accountable and move past that place of comfort – where the real work resides- so that we can eventually get to our ultimate goal of living the lives we were put on this earth to live.
~Liz Jackson, Mom of 3 kids. Director of Development at National Alliance on Mental Illness
“I am a former one-on-one client of Misha’s & the experience was life changing! Even my husband & children were able to see the results – I was calmer, happier, more energetic, more patient, focused & clear.
After years of medication & therapy that never quite got me to where I desired to be & who I desired to be,
Misha’s coaching & guidance was the missing link.
Working with her changed my entire outlook on myself & my life & taught me how to truly care for myself, see myself, & hold space for myself.
I joined Glow & Flow because the idea of sharing this experience with other women is exciting & takes the sense of community Misha tried to foster to the next level. “
“I joined this mastermind – Glow and Flow – to get support and be in community of like minded women – Queens – who are transforming their lives and creating a new normal in this patriarchal society.
I have done personal development work for years, but I am now in a time in my life that I can focus on myself once again.
Mental health and physical well-being go hand and hand and that is my life mission now.
I want to make a difference in other peoples lives by sharing my heart wrenching story and say you can come back from the ashes and rise again like a phoenix.
You can have it all, but not at the same time in life. You take steps and you set boundaries and you make time for true self care and self love daily.”
Decondition from all that has taken your system out of alignment and disconnected you from the truth of who you are,
Release the stress + trauma patterns that are impairing your mental, emotional, physical health and life,
Reconnect with the most aligned, fully expressed and empowered version of yourself and live the magical life you were created for.
Let’s GLOW & FLOW!
Frequently Asked Questions
How will this program support my unique bodies needs? ExpandThis program gives you all of the tools and resources to help you decode your body’s signals so that you can create a lifestyle that supports your body and schedule’s needs.
The whole purpose of the program is to help you learn how to tune in to your body’s needs so you don’t have to continue to seek external support for your foundational health needs and give you the tools to self navigate.
With this approach, you save time, money, energy and frustration and are starting a journey of learning to look within to self heal. It’s the most confidence boosting, powerful and incredible thing you can do for yourself and your life
You also are healing stress and trauma which disconnects you from your authentic self and best health and as such, transforming your health, and your life.
What is the format of the program? ExpandAll programming will be held on zoom.
You will select between one of the below pod times and that will be your recurring time
POD 1- Wednesday evenings 5:30pm – 7pm . EXCEPTION – the week of 6/14 call will be 6/13 5:30-7pmPOD 2 – Thursdays 10:30am-12pm ET
POD 3 – Thursdays 12:30pm – 2pm
There will be one additional bonus call or workshop each month. Date will be announced each month.
You will get access to course content on a members only platform and day to day communication will be in a private facebook community.
How long is the program Expand6 Months
We kick off October 31st
What’s the refund policy? ExpandIf you are unhappy about anything, please let me know as it’s my mission to make this program the best it can be and with your helpful feedback, I can make the relevant changes needed to ensure you are supported. I’m here for you!
When are the group coaching calls? ExpandYou will select your pod from the 4 options below and that will be your time for your Mastermind pod calls which will meet two weeks of the month.
Pod #1 :Tuesdays 10-11:30am
Pod #2: Thursdays 10:30am-12pm ET
Pod # 3: Thursdays 12:30pm – 2pm
What if I get off track? Expand
There’s no such thing! It’s a journey and it’s important that you go at the pace that’s most supportive to you.
I need accountability! How much support will I receive? ExpandThere will be a private Facebook group that we will be using to help everyone stay accountable. You will also be supported through our weekly calls, emails, journal prompts + your sisters!

So, Who The Heck Am I To Tell You This?
Hi, I’m Misha.
I’m a busy, but mindful Mama of 3 littles and a little pooch named Manchego (yes, after the cheese – maj cheese lover here!🙋♀️. And we call him Cheegs, a mix between ‘Chego & cheese LOL 😜), sorry, I digress. I’m also a certified holistic health coach, personal development obsessed, truth seeking spirit junkie and the founder ALIGNED.
I’m also a former overwhelmed, anxious and highly frustrated Mama who struggled immensely with chronic pain and ailments, unshakable stubborn weight, exhaustion and a deep lack of self trust.
After an arduous (and freaking expensive!) holistic healing journey, involved with running from doctor to doctor, with endless training and education, I learned the root cause of all of my ailments stemmed from stress.
Despite being a type A, people pleasing, hard working Mama of 3, it became my priority and deepest work to learn how to thrive in my health and life without stress so I could feel great in my skin and show up in life the way I knew I was meant to.
As I navigated this multi layered and windy healing journey, a rediscovery of myself and a deep spiritual awakening, I realized that I’d inadvertently developed a supportive, inside out approach to living that allowed me to flow through life with ease, feel at home in my body and thrive in optimal health.
I realized through building a deeper connection with my body and learning how to tune into my inner guidance, I was able to alleviate the stress of trouble shooting with ineffective choice, externally seeking answers and constant confusion, and instead, self navigate my health and life based on understanding my body’s cues and relying on self trust.
I learned that, no one knows your body like you do, but you have to know how to tune in and trust it.
Now I’m proud to say, that through living by my feel good philosophy and flow based, inside out approach, I’m able to feel grounded and centered on the daily, feel radiant and at peace in my skin and thrive in my life with confidence and ease and show up for myself and my family the way I always knew I was meant to.
One last word from my heart to yours
Learning how to live an aligned life has transformed my wellbeing and life in ways I never thought imaginable.
I’ve experienced first hand feeling disconnected and insecure in what felt like a completely foreign body, perpetual exhaustion, anxiety and emotional turmoil, loss of memory, chronic joint pain, endless ailments and a metabolism that I was convinced was “broken” and a belief that I’d completely lost myself to the dark side and struggled immensely to bring her home.
No amount of kale, crunches or doctors were able to fix me.
Until I learned, incorporated and embodied what I teach in Glow and Flow, my health and life as I knew it radically transformed to experiencing magnetic energy, an extremely healthy physique, joyful spirit, settled mind, unshakable self trust, but most importantly, the ability to rely on my inner guide for self navigation through this ever evolving journey in health and life.
This program was born out of the deep desire to create exactly what I needed when I was on my healing journey, to help you step into your most magical self and life, with ease, pleasure and joy. WITHOUT struggle, stress and endless seeking for answers.
If you’re feeling stuck in your wellbeing and life, you owe it to yourself to see what your life is like when living an aligned life, in harmony with your body and in flow in your life.
You MATTER. The way you show up for your loved ones, matters.
How do you want to feel every day? No one can do this for you. It’s a choice and you have the power to make it.
It would be my honor to walk with you and support you in blossoming into the fullness of who you are meant to be in all your glory.