Low Carb Pancakes (Syrniki) with Farmers Cheese and Raisins


Looking for a delicious way to stay on track with your low carb lifestyle? These low carb pancakes, made with farmers cheese and infused with raisins, offer a delightful twist on the traditional Syrniki.

Low Carb Diet for Postpartum Health

Ever since becoming a Mommy, I’ve had to follow a low carb diet to support my postpartum body’s new biochemistry and needs. I became insulin resistant after having children and while I’m predominantly healed, my body does not break down carbs and sugar the way it once did, so in order to maintain optimal health and weight, I do my best to keep my carbs and sugar low.

Being a busy Mom of 3, I’m always looking for highly nutritious snacks that are easy to throw down when hunger strikes and you’re in the thick of Momming. I have to admit, I have yet to find a bar that I love and that meets my criteria, but I also believe in eating whole foods as much as possible.

The Perfect, Healthy Low Carb Pancakes Snack

My husband, Jon, is Russian and when visiting his family, they often would give us these farmers cheese pancakes called Syrniki with soaked raisins that I became obsessed with. Little did I know that in addition to being insanely delicious, they are extremely nutritious too! After making a few tweaks to the classic recipe, they quickly became a staple in the Vayner household.

Syrniki is made with farmers cheese, which is low calorie and low fat, while being high in protein and probiotic cultures. It’s easy to digest given that the whey protein and lactose have been predominantly drained out.

Typically, these pancakes are made with flour, but I swap the white flour for coconut or almond flour, depending on what I have at home, and they’re low carb, healthy and de-lish!

When I’m feeling hungry or peckish, I love that I have such a satiating, nutritious snack available that feels carby since it’s a “pancake”, but it’s made of a culture rich, nutrient dense protein source that’s easy to digest and low calorie, instead of a real pancake.

I also love that it tastes like dessert and like a treat! Oh, and my kids are obsessed!

Low Carb Pancakes

Recipe for Low Carb Pancakes (Syrniki) with Farmers Cheese and Raisins

  • 1 1/2 cups farmer’s cheese (We use the Friendship brand)
  • 1 teaspoon of maple syrup (Optional. We don’t feel it’s necessary, but some people like it)
  • 1/4 cup almond or coconut flour, plus more for dredging
  • 1/4 cup soaked raisins
  • 2 eggs, whisked
  • 2 tablespoon avocado oil
  1. In a large bowl, combine farmer’s cheese, sugar, flour and raisins. Add in eggs and mix until well combined.
  2. Sprinkle a few tablespoons flour on a flat surface. Using your hands, form balls from about ¼ cup of farmer’s cheese mixture. Dredge lightly on both sides in flour, patting them down so they’re flat and about 1 inch thick.
  3. Heat oil over medium high heat in a large pan. Add pancakes and cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side, until nicely browned.

Voila! Guys, they are insane! Please let me know what you think after you’ve made them.



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