Managing Overwhelm: Tools to Recharge & Focus

woman with 3 kids laughing

How are you feeling stepping into this week? As I navigate managing overwhelm, I’ve been feeling a bit depleted these past few days. I’m trying to absorb and process the very real, upsetting, deeply rooted, and intense issues in the environment where I’m living and raising my family.

​Making Collective Changes & Life Transitions

In addition to processing what we are experiencing collectively and striving to make changes through education and action, many of us are managing overwhelm as we transition from homeschool to home camp life and celebrating end-of-year milestones. This requires us to shift gears and emotions like never before.

At Casa Vayner this last week, in addition to the end of year milestones for the littles, (which I think we can all agree, gets us every time!), we celebrated dear friends new babies, planned farewells for close friends moving, celebrated milestone birthdays and also celebrated finally being out of diapers after 6 years!

Managing Overwhelm and Intense Emotions

The outpouring of all of the energy in such a range of intense emotions, in combination with managing overwhelm with transitioning to a new season and routine in (semi) quarantine, while also trying to keep our fast paced home functioning and our children healthy and happy, was A LOT.

Mindfulness Practices For Managing Overwhelm

On Sunday morning, during my morning mindfulness practice, I really tuned in to get clear on how best to support myself. As always, I was met with clarity and supportive solutions.

When I checked in and took note of my feelings, I felt the heaviness of my heart coupled with a certain level of emptiness, I felt exhaustion and sentimental and a bit wilted and taxed.

Some of these feelings were likely a sign of my body and mind requiring time and space to effectively process all of the many messages and information I was absorbing at such a fast pace during a hectic week, and some was sheer burn out from #momlife.

Realizing how I feel is one thing, but I always ensure I tune in to get answers on what I am needing most in that moment.

Noticing What’s Missing

As I listened more, I realized in that moment, that with my best intentions of trying to keep everything and everyone running effectively, I had failed to schedule “FUN” into MY calendar. It was truly a jarring realization.

Since quarantine, I’d been working weekends and had only spent 1 day with my family on an excursion.

I realized that even though I go for my morning jogs and walks, I hadn’t been out and about in nature properly in a few weeks.

I realized I couldn’t remember the last day that I wasn’t on a strict schedule, taking in the rays of the sunshine, breathing without a clock ticking and being frivolous and silly.

What Our Primary Source of Nourishment Actually is

When I got quiet, it was clear that the antidote to this problem was to get out with my family in the sunshine and nature and not look at the clock. It was so fulfilling that I came home beaming with happiness.

While that is indeed a part of good health, the primary source of nourishment comes from all of the other areas of our life that nourish our heart, mind and soul, such as our relationships, our career, hobbies, physical activity, spirituality and anything that fills our proverbial cup.

When you’re able to identify what primary food source is deficient, you’re able to more effectively support yourself, as you’re able to give your mind and body the appropriate soul food it’s deeply needing to function.​

By depriving myself of fun and family connection, my body and mind were not able to function at optimal levels, in the same way we wouldn’t if we were deprived of actual food.

So, all this to say, when I got quiet, it was clear that the antidote to managing overwhelm was to get out with my family in the sunshine and nature and not look at the clock. It was so fulfilling that I came home beaming with happiness.

Other Supportive Solutions to Minimizing Overwhelm

Other solutions I implemented after getting clarity on areas I needed support, was hiring an intern to help me with my business, hiring babysitters to run a backyard camp at my home (and organize the kids toys😜) and getting an air fryer to help create easy and healthy meals for this big family!

It’s amazing how efficient and effective you can be in solving your needs after getting quiet and tuning in.

Managing Overwhelm Related to the Black Lives Matter Movement:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed about how to make an impact in the racial injustice, systemic racism and police brutality issues, based on the myriad of ways and many layers, I created a quick, 5 minute IGTV that will alleviate your overwhelm, help give you clarity on what approach is best for you and help you feel more at ease.

I am committed to doing my part to end systemic racism and police brutality, but I remind myself as well as all of you, that this is a marathon, not a sprint.

Wearing yourself out and walking around overwhelmed and exhausted helps no one.​

Take Care of You

Take care of you, mama. Rest and recharge so you can make heart centered and strategic decisions.

Do your part to fill your cup with love, so you can spread love to everyone else.​

One day at a time, one heart at a time, we’ll get there.

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