Best Sleep Supplements for Better Rest

gnight light

Sleep is something that we all know is so important to our health, but with modern day demands, varied light from screens, dirty electricity, and higher stress, we often need some added support in this department. That’s where my sleep hacks and sleep supplements come in, providing natural and effective ways to improve your sleep quality.

Setting up healthy, bedtime routines and rituals is the first thing that must be established to improve your sleep quality.

But even then, we can have our days where we’re feeling extra anxious or have had to stay up too late, and we’re struggling to recalibrate our bodies to fall into a slumber.

These natural sleep hacks are great go to suggestions to try when your routine is not enough.

In addition to your sleep routine and hacks, I have outlined my tried and true sleep supplements to take to improve your ability to fall asleep,

Natural Sleep Supplements

1. Collagen Peptides

Every night I take Collagen Peptides before bed. Aside from it being amazing for gut health, digestion, skin, hair and nails, to name a few of the many benefits, the amino acid, glycine, found in collagen, is amazing for sleep.

Glycine helps you fall asleep more quickly, increases your sleep efficiency, reduces symptoms of insomnia, improves sleep quality and promotes deeper, more restful sleep. I take 1 scoop every single night before bed, religiously for overall health and sleep.

2. Relax Max

Another one of my favorites, is Relax Max. Relax Max is amazing for a few reasons.

Firstly, it contains GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that enables the body and mind to relax, fall asleep and sleep soundly throughout the night.

It also contains inositol, which is great during particularly stressful times, as it balances certain chemicals in the body to possibly help with mental conditions such as panic disorder, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. (It also helps insulin work better, supporting  conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome or diabetes during pregnancy).

It also contains Magnesium, which our bodies don’t produce, having us rely on nutrition to give us adequate magnesium levels. Americans often don’t get the adequate amount of magnesium, which helps our bodies regulate GABA, the neurotransmitter that promotes sleep. Thus, taking additional magnesium is important to support healthy sleep habits.

Overall, RelaxMax promotes a calm, relaxed, well-balanced emotional and physiological state.

3. Natural Calm

Last, but def not least, is my staple go to, stress relieving and relaxing supplement, Natural Calm.

This vegan and gluten free flavored powder supplement helps support healthy magnesium levels, necessary for balanced brain & nervous system functioning, thereby supporting a calming and unique relaxing experience.

Natural Vitality CALM contains magnesium carbonate and citric acid. When combined with water, a chemical reaction takes place and the two bind together to become magnesium citrate. Because it’s dissolved in water, Natural Vitality CALM has advantages over pills or capsules, as it is an alternative form of magnesium supplementation. It’s this dissolution that ionizes magnesium and may enhance absorption.

4. L-theanine

L-theanine is an amino acid found in green tea leaves and can cause a significant reduction in stress and increase in relaxation without drowsiness. Another amazing thing about l-theanine is that it can also counteract the reduction of slow sleep waves induced by caffeine.

Conclusion on Sleep Supplements

Between the bedtime routines, sleep hacks and sleep supplements, you should be set up for sleep success!

Night, night, loves!



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