green juice

Vanilla Green Dream Smoothie

For the past year or so, my body seems to be increasingly less able to tolerate animal proteins than before. However, given that I’m still healing from my insulin resistance, it’s critical I maintain a low carb diet. This is quite difficult on a plant based diet, given that beans and lentils, essential vegan protein sources, contain a decent amount carbs in them as well. Additionally, my body doesn’t tolerate beans and lentils well, and I am not a fan of imitation meats or tempeh. This drastically limits my protein options in a vegan diet, so I had been continuing with a low carb, paleo.

But day after day, after I eat meat, particularly grass fed red meat, I would feel extremely uncomfortable and sick and I would be uncomfortable at a whole 24 hour period. I would also have trouble sleeping after consuming red meat due to the discomfort. So crazy.

I decided a couple of days ago that I have to listen to my body and figure out a eating regimen that feels good and supports my body’s needs. I just can’t go on feeling ill each day.

So I decided to start by removing red meat and eggs from my diet, two foods that are not agreeing with me at the moment, and slowly try to tweek my diet to support as much as a keto friendly, plant based diet as possible, without adding any stress or overwhelm. This will be a slow progression and I’ll continue to listen to my body’s biofeedback, do research and adjust along the way, until I find a eating regimen that works for me and feels sustainable.

The Amazing, Keto Friendly, Plant Based Smoothie

Today, I made an amazing, keto friendly, plant based smoothie that I feel I could literally have every single morning. It was beyond delicious and satiating. It’s super nutrient dense, containing super foods, a decent amount of fiber, a hearty amount of healthy fats, moderate protein and even an energy boost from the MCT oil.


laughing while drinking green juice

This is exactly how I felt drinking it, it was so good!

Vanilla Green Dream Smoothie

nutrient label of vanilla green dream smoothie


Blend and enjoy! Please let me know in the comments below what you thought of it!




My Favorite Vegan Drinkable Soup Recipes

Classic Chia Seed Pudding

601 900 Misha Vayner

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