How to live in harmony with your body

I wish I could say I’m sorry I ditched you….but to be totally honest, it was the best thing I could have done for the both of us. Lemme fill you in.

Burnt the F out and lost

woman thinking on bed

After a gruelling stretch of a long winter, rotating or no childcare, juggling online course after course, work conferences, holiday madness and just trying to keep this ship afloat, I was burnt the F out and completely lost.

In my efforts to reach my goals and survive, I’d been charging at full speed on this hamster wheel for so long, that it was as if I was in a trance – just going through the motions, but not feeling aligned.  I was so laser focused on where I was trying to go, that I hadn’t even realized that I wasn’t 100% happy and fulfilled. In fact, I was feeling a bit off and wasn’t really sure why.

I knew I needed to get off the hamster wheel and regroup.

I took my foot off the gas, and spent the the next 8 weeks reconnecting with myself and exploring what it is that was causing me to feel out of alignment and unhappy. 

How I got centered & realigned

I shook things up a bit and traded my work time that involved me being tied to my computer and social media for time for heart centered connection. I took time to do things like take my kids to the playground, connect with other local moms, explore new ideas and new towns, read books and news that were not only centered around personal development and health, connect with old friends and truly, allow myself to be inspired again, play and just connect with myself and do what felt right.

After taking the time to recenter and reset, I feel so much inner peace, alignment and clarity about where I’m headed. That inner peace feels has caused my energy to shift from frenetic to calm and happy. It’s caused my health to shift from tension and rigid routines to relaxed and joyful and supportive routines. I feel awaked, happy and lighter, mentally and physically.

You see, we often forget that our bodies and this earth, were designed, to operate in 4 energetic stages, not 1 – overdrive

The 4 Feminine Cycles

1. Menstrual / New Moon / Inner Winter: Planting seeds, prepare for action. Slow, preparatory pace. Quiet, slow, inward, sensitive, emotions, release.

2. Follicular / Waxing Moon / Inner Spring: Begin taking action, initiate creative projects. Focused energy.Focused, creative, detail oriented.

3. Ovulation /Full Moon / Inner Summer: Launch projects, speak up, pitch, collaborate and shine. Outward energy.Adventure, playful, flirty, nurture, sensual.

4. Luteal / Waning moon / Inner Fall: Complete tasks, digest, reflect, tie up loose ends, finish projects. Slow pace. Ideas, edgy, inward, stillness, hunger.

As you can see, each phase of the woman’s cycle and earth’s cycle, is designed to move through it’s own energetic phase. We are designed to slow down, digest and reflect in certain stages and to ramp up and be energetic and social during other phases. We were not designed to go, go, go all the time! It’s not supportive to our bodies and it’s not sustainable.

Are you allowing yourself to regroup after intense stretches in life? Or are you constantly burning the candle at both ends? I invite you to check in with yourself on this.

Do you need to get off the hamster wheel for a minute and stop and smell the roses too?  Please comment below and let me know!


What Our Primary Source of Nourishment Actually Is

The mindset shift that allows you to do it all, without doing it all

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