How to Support Yourself During Stressful Times

Has your March been as cray cray as mine?! I swear it feels like the volume has been turned up 1000%.  I’ve literally experienced every password and account lock out, miscommunication, and scheduling conflict you could imagine. Bombs are getting dropped left, right and center and my emotions flying high.

You too?! We can thank our lovely friend Mercury that went into retrograde on March 5th for all this drama. 😱 Sadly, it will last until March 28th (and I am def counting down the damn days!). As someone who’s entire health breakdown (and tire around her midsection) stemmed from stress, I don’t take stress management lightly and want to share all my fool proof strategies to help you get through this stressful period.


It’s easy to get swept away with all the crazy and find ourselves totally losing it.  But Instead, I’m really dialing it in by upping my mindfulness and self care game and trying my very best to be as intentional as possible, in an effort prevent what could easily be, a downward spiral.



Honestly, my go to support system when I feel out of sorts, is to bust out my journal. I know, you’re wondering how the heck this could help. Just bear with me, because it’s literally changed my life and health.

You know how when something is bothering you, but you can’t figure out why or what, and then you just talk to a friend for a few minutes and you’re like “I know! It’s because X!” You figure it out and you’re friend didn’t even say a word. But you had space to process your thoughts. That, my friend, is exactly, what your journal does for you and more.

When you just free write onto the page, without thinking, judging or correcting, just flowing on the page, your deepest thoughts, realizations, most creative ideas, inspirations all of it, come out. It’s literally mind blowing.

Issues you’ve been grappling with will have clear answers, frustrations that haven’t been solved will now have an easy solution, self doubt and issues of self worth will transform to positive thoughts of confidence, your outlook on life and people will change, the way you take on your day and your productivity will change, deep, creative insights and incredible ideas you never knew you had will come out, it’s incredible.

You find yourself feeling renewed, refreshed, clear headed, motivated, inspired and at peace, as if you just had a therapy session getting all your answers sorted, but didn’t have to talk to anyone for an hour! SCORE!

The added benefits of journaling during this highly emotive time will give you access to tap into deeper insights and wisdom, giving your greatly clarity in your heart, mind and life.

Instead of feeling draining, as talk therapy can often feel, it feels restorative. You don’t have to have an specific issue or anything, you literally just write and the process does the work for you. It’s truly magical. Ever since I started doing morning pages, which is the process of journaling first thing in the morning, I’ve no longer needed therapy, I swear. In fact, I can wake up crabby and tired, and after journaling, feel wide awake and excited about my day. Try it – it’s free.

This stress free, unloading process does wonders for your nervous system, energy and health.

The best part of journaling first thing in the morning, is that insights from your subconscious state become revealed, giving you deeper wisdom and realizations, but it’s truly magical any time you can do it.

I do it as part of my morning routine and every evening to reflect on my day.

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Intention Setting

During hypersensitive and emotional times like this, journaling and setting intentions for the day is super helpful in helping you go into the day more centered, clear headed and with the right attitude. This will help you be more mindful and intentional through out the day.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Incorporating meditation or a mindfulness practice in daily, is another non-negotiable for me. As I’m an empath and a highly sensitive person, it’s important that I check myself and release anything that doesn’t serve me through a morning mindfulness cleanse and recenter.

Letting go of toxic energy in my mind and body is equally is highly restorative and rejuvenating to your health

If you want some support in setting up a mindfulness practice, I created a free, step by step, Mindful Mama Guide for you.

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Give Yourself Grace

Another important approach is to simply honor where you are and give yourself grace. The very first thing I do, is recognize that this is just a feeling and no matter how crappy it feels, it will pass. The more I can accept how I feel and give myself grace, the easier it will be to move through this tense period.

The more we get frustrated with ourselves, the more we are adding to the anxiety and overwhelm. There is beauty in us being able to feel to this deep of a level. It’s a great time to connect with your deepest emotions and assess what’s coming up for you. You don’t need to judge it, but being self aware will help you immensely in moving through the feelings and knowing how to course correct in our lives and hearts.

Set Clear Boundaries

Set clear personal boundaries and adjust schedule to support your needs. I stay clear from people and situations that feel taxing to me, rescheduling or cancelling if need be. During highly sensitive times, we can be more inclined to pick up others intensities and feelings, wanted or not. Given that we have a lower threshold of tolerance and higher sensitivity during this time, this can lead to conflicts and altercations, if we’re not careful.

Instead, I’ll add in anything that will make me feel uplifted or supported. Whether that’s taking an afternoon nap or meeting a friend for lunch. No guilt The more you’re able to incorporate feel good experiences and people into your life, the more you’ll be able to off set the tension putting you into a positive vibrational state, creating more harmony in your life, versus the drama and struggles.

Rest and Restore

Rest and do less. Listen to your body and R-E-S-T! Clear the decks and be a boring human for a bit. The more we tax are system, the more we are increasing the cortisol and stress in our bodies, perpetuating the cycle. Rest and restore that beautiful, fragile endocrine system of yours that is just asking for a little T.L.C during this hairy time.

Take full advantage of this opportunity to slow down and connect with a tender, vulnerable part of ourselves that is trying to communicate with you. Listen to your mind and body’s feedback and indulge in

Leverage Natural Stress Reducing Supplements

Follow the my favorite natural, stress reducing strategies outlined in this post. I outlined all of my go to natural supplements, resources and strategies for when I’m feeling stressed, in this post.

Please let me know if this helped you below! Do you have any good tips? Please share below!




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